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MADOO Typ622 Push-Pull Micro Flat Magnetic Drive Unit Headphones

MADOO Typ622 Push-Pull Micro Flat Magnetic Drive Unit Headphones

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【 突破固有框架 】
Known for its craftsmanship, the Japanese flat-panel headphone brand Madoo likes to incorporate high-spec metal cutting, inlays, and even sapphire glass into its products. With the addition of flat-panel driver technology and strong team support behind it, they create headphones that are as exquisite and detailed in sound and appearance as luxury watches. Continuing this dedication and craftsmanship, the development team spent a long time researching and developing the new headphone TYP622.

Madoo announces the launch of a new member in its second generation product lineup, the headphones, model TYP622. The headphones utilize Madoo's self-developed new Ortho push-pull micro planar magnetic driver unit, continuing the excellent sound quality performance of the previous model TYP821, while further enhancing the performance in the mid and low frequency range. With its outstanding sound quality and unique design, it leads a new trend in the headphone industry.

  • Self-developed push-pull type micro flat magnetic drive unit Ortho
  • Focused on a wide soundstage and a powerful immersive experience
  • High hardness sandblasted aluminum alloy shell
  • Designed based on extensive Asian ear shape data, the shell shape fits better and is more comfortable.
  • Adopting heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant excellent sapphire crystal, with a design that controls the back pressure of the unit group
  • Acoustune production, 3.5mm and 4.4mm plug 4-strand copper silver-plated headphone cable included

Product Features

Continuing a flat design
Continuing Madoo's innovative spirit of "not being bound by traditional frameworks" in product development, the TYP622 features a newly developed Ortho push-pull micro flat magnetic drive unit, establishing the sound quality benchmark for the Madoo brand and opening up new possibilities for integrated drive unit headphones.

Push-pull drive
一般平板驅動單元有兩種配置方式:單驅和推挽式驅動,Ortho 採用了後者的方式研發,絕對是多年工程技術積累的結晶.傳統的平板單元在小型化應用上面臨著巨大的技術挑戰,但 Madoo 的資深工程師團隊通過精湛的設計,成功研發出了一款緊湊輕量的推挽式平板驅動單元,完美地應用於耳機之中,同時保持了出色的音質表現。

Retained the features of TYP821
針對 TYP622 的調校,完全發揮了 Ortho 驅動單元的性能潛力,從細膩動人的高頻到有力澎湃的低頻,均能呈現出極富表現力的音質.另外亦對中低頻段的表現進行調校,呈現出令人驚嘆的音場廣闊度和沉浸感,彷彿身臨其境的現場演奏體驗.與此同時,TYP622 也保留了 TYP821 所稱頌的細膩高頻解析度和生動的人聲表現,實現了卓越的整體音質平衡,同時增強了中低頻段的音色特性。

High rigidity shell design
TYP622 採用了鋁合金材質的機殼設計,由精通金屬加工的工程師操刀,採用高精度的多軸 CNC 加工製造而成.在剛性和重量之間作了出色的平衡.秉持 Madoo 「機殼剛性影響音質」的設計理念,外殼採用了足夠厚度的材料,並經過砂光處理提高了表面剛性,確保了音質的絲毫不損。

Asian Ear Shape Data Optimization
Madoo 的產品設計和開發均以亞洲人的耳型為目標,針對日本、香港、中國和韓國等耳機主要市場進行研究和開發.最後,TYP622 基於三年間所收集的 300 個亞洲人耳型數據,設計出達到出色的佩戴貼合度和設計美感。採用橢圓形的耳柄設計,與耳道常見的橢圓形狀完美契合,確保了自然舒適的佩戴感受,亦盡可能減少聲音的損失,呈現出純正的 Madoo 音質。

Sapphire Crystal Aesthetics
Adhering to the design concept of "headphones for long-term use," the team adopted a heavy design style similar to submarines and watch windows. The window material uses sapphire crystal with a Mohs hardness of 9, which is heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and extremely durable, far superior to ordinary glass or plastic materials. At the same time, the sapphire crystal window also helps to regulate the back pressure of the unit during amplification, maximizing the performance of the unit. The TYP622 features the common octagonal design of Madoo's second-generation product line, as well as a color design that expresses "heavy sound quality."

Acoustune supervised cables
The headphone cable included with the TYP622 is produced by the brother brand Acoustune, made with 4 twisted copper silver-plated wires. The silver plating reduces sound quality loss, allowing the headphones to perform at their best. The plug is a high-quality, highly reliable Pentaconn Ear headphone plug designed and produced by the Japanese company NDICS. Compared to traditional MMCX connectors, this connector has a tighter contact between the plug and socket, resulting in better conductivity, while also being easier to detach and more durable. (Equipped with "MRC011" 3.5mm 3-pole L-shaped gold-plated plug and "MRC023" 4.4mm 5-pole L-shaped gold-plated plug, two headphone cables with different plugs.)

Micro Planar "Ortho" Unit

Body Material
Aluminum Alloy + Sapphire Crystal

Frequency Response
20 ~ 40000Hz

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